After being away from writing political editorials for my college newspaper, I have been noticing day after day how I miss doing that. For this reason, I have started a blog that tracks my thoughts about the current state of not only current political issues, but also our current political system. Now don't get crazy on me yet, I'm not suggesting all our children need to read the Communist Manifesto. I only want to explore a practical approach to solve America's problem of politics being a taboo subject.
Why the title "The Situationalist?" No, it has nothing to do with the Jersey Shore (although it is humorously coincidental my name is Mike and this blog marketing corresponds the show with my political views). The title represents what I believe to be one of the new emerging "parties" of the younger, and dare I say, creative generation. The situationalist does not look at political issues from the traditional political party platform, nor does it claim to be independent even though they vote straight down the party line. To put it simple, this politico makes policy decisions based on a situation-by-situation basis.
The other "party" that has stemmed from the tradition political party platform is "The Ideologue" Party. People who zealously advocates an ideology, they hold an increasingly minority view of needing a back bone of straight up conservative/liberal beliefs. Many of these individuals have had a hard influence on the previous generation that rightfully had huge skepticism on both sides from JFK to Reagan.
At the end of the day, we need to get our act together and find a way to discuss civilly and practically politics and end the taboo. If we do not stop the ideological pedulum from swinging outragiously from left to right, we can stop the legislative uncertainty that's inhibiting economic growth in America.
I will post a weekly blog and special blogs during "breaking news." My goal is to not be too far right or left wing, so please keep me in check. Thanks for reading and comment if you'd like!
Mike The Situationalist