Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The American Dream

I was able to experience the Fire Over the Fox in Green Bay to honor our independence day (July 4th). It was an excellent site to show how far we have come as a country. As many of you may know, we consider ourselves the land of the free and home of the brave. We have also become a culture where we scream "AMERICA!" everytime something cool occurs that just happens to be patriotic as well.

After seeing the fireworks, I also started thinking about numerous articles and commentaries about how the United States is on the decline from its world hegemony. Could it be possible? Of course it could, but I think we are far from it. People think that China will take us over in the near future, not realizing that our free trade agreement with them is the only reason why they have as much manufacturing labor market share. Along with the economic downturn, people forget how we became a super power in the first place.

This is the point where I talk about "our founding fathers," the three words passionate conservatives love using. Our ancestors were somewhat social rejects of their respective homeland. They saw going to the New Americas as a chance to live they want to live and become successful. Although the great migration to the United States happened a long time ago, we are continously seeing a reenactment.

As each generation goes by, a group of people from distant lands are getting austricized for living the way they want to live. Think about it! It started with the Europeans (British, Germans, Dutch, Irish, etc.) who immigrated to the States. Currently, you are seeing Latinos,Eastern Europeans, and South East Asians trying to find the same American Dream that Western Europeans saught for in the found years of this country. Due to our involvment with current wars, you will probably see an influx of Middle Eastern immigration.

This refreshment of new cultures and new market opportunities are what makes the United States strive. Along with the new cultures, this country brings in people who knows what it's like not to have the opportunity to succeed. If we limit this constant refreshment, we lose our niche of being the greatest country in the world. I'm not saying we need to have an immigration policy that makes sure our borders are safe, but we cannot have such a strict policy that it denies the American Dream to so many people.

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