Wednesday, June 15, 2011

CANDIDATE SPOTLIGHT: Michele Bachmann Sees More Than Russia From Her Window

For those of you who remember the Tea Party Response of the State of the Union Address, most people met Michele Bachmann as a woman with guts but with a few loose screws. Along with that, she was caught up with making 'anti-American' comments while on Hardball with Chris Matthews.

Fast foward to the Presidential Debate Monday night, things are starting to turn around for the presidential hopeful. Although Ron Paul had the most gain from the debate, most people do not see him as becoming a candidate for the Republican Party. The next person that actually did not put themselves in an ackward position was Michele Bachmann.

One might have to ask how she was able to pull off becoming a possible front runner. Easy, you add Ed Rollins (well known political strategist) and straight confident talk of beating President Obama; you're in. Unlike Gingrich, it seems like she is following the directions of her advisors.

The next test for Bachmann will be coming soon. Although it may be too late for Palin to jump in due to Bachmann's success, Gov. Rick Perry (R-Texas) will be another potential savior for the conservative movement.  If either of these candidates continue to be straight and smart with the American People, you won't see Mitt Romney be the frontrunner for much longer.

Blog/Article by the Situationalist - Mike Lampe

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

BREAKING NEWS: Wisconsin Senate Passes Concealed Carry Bill

This afternoon, the Republican led Wisconsin State Senate passed the contraversial concealed carry law that will allow Wisconsin Citizens the right to carry a weapon given they have the proper permit and training. Although some people are concerned about safety, there are certain events (such as Summerfest) that can prohibit concealed weapons as long as it meets the criteria stated in the bill.

When it comes to this bill, and other bills that relate to gun regulations, there are good arguments for and against. When I present workshops on civil discourse, I use this subject as a perfect example how legislation should be based on situational instances rather than having a blanket policy. There have been numerous stories on people being able to protect themselves because they had a weapon next to them. There are also numerous stories to connect crime in metro areas to gun violence. Tim Carpenter (D-Milwaukee 3rd) pointed out statistics that makes that connection.

On top of that, you have people who purchase weapons for hunting in the great Wisconsin woods. Although it would be hard for someone to conceal and carry a rifle, some of the hunting population will make sure their rights will not be taken away. If you look the other direction as far as leisure, should people be able to carry weapons while alcohol is present. The legislature needs to make sure they are consistant, considering the message of alcohol not mixing with driving. Concepts are similar aren't they?

If this bill does pass, Governor Scott Walker is expected to sign the bill as soon as it gets to his desk.

Blog/Article by The Situationalist - Michael Lampe

Monday, June 13, 2011

BREAKING NEWS: Ron Paul Wins Republican Debate Tonight

After watching the Republican Debate on CNN, it was interesting to see the strategy of all presidential candidates. Of course, you saw Romney separate himself from Romneycare and Gingrich lowering the severity of his staff walking out. The other candidates seem to be playing it safe in order not to lose points.

I can say that Michele Bachmann seemed to have come from the deep end and swam somewhat back to shore with how she presented herself. Even though she was playing it safe, she actually scored points doing it because she was a passionate tea partier.

However, I announce Ron Paul having gained the most points in my scorecard. I truly believed that he has become the new "straight talk express" candidate of the Republican Party (from McCain). On top of that, he has the most consistency when it comes to cutting the deficit from the federal budget. Not only did he talk about policies that removes public spending from the free market, but he also attacked foreign policy spending.

I know Ron Paul has a lot more to do in order to become a mainstream candidate, but he has a potential to become a viable candidate if things start to get worse. Whether you like it or not, President Obama's Campaign Machine is better than the Clinton Machine. Therefore, the Republican Candidate must be real with the American People while trying to attack the "professorial" and "glorious" approach of President Barack Obama.

The Situationalist,

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Life after College Blog Saga: Life without Cable?! (Technology Outlook)

It's pretty close to the end of my AmeriCorps Service and things are starting to wrap up at the office. The students are gone and I am stuck doing administrative work. This has given me a lot of time to reflect how things went at work. At the same time, the aleviated stress gives me the opportunity to look at my life after UW-Sheboygan.

It will be close to a month and a half before I move into my apartment and attend Marquette for Graduate School. For those of you who know me, I'm a guy who wants to get their hands on the latest technology (of course, when I can actually afford it). After researching what to budget for, I started realizing the next wave of technology coming to a living room near you.

How did I realize this? (Don't worry, I won't quote the bible on the prophecy of the cable rapture.) This became apparent when I started researching cable/internet providers. I started asking the question, do I really want to pay $50 dollars a month for watching television. Part of that could go toward my groceries or having a "guys night out".

Previously, I tried out Netflix for the free trial and didn't like it. I was hoping for movies and tv shows I liked being streamed via internet. Unfortunately, most movies I liked, I needed to get it mailed. They also did not have many television shows I wanted to watch. I am currently trying Hulu Plus, which has pretty good variety of content.

I have been noticing reviews on Hulu Plus about how they are annoyed with the ads that run in between the content. I can understand if they use it as a supplement to cable. However, there is a difference looking at Hulu as a supplement versus an alternative. Since I see Hulu as an alternative, I will be paying $7.99 vs. $50.00 with the same if not less commercial interuptions. Even though I like watching news channels (CNN, MSNBC etc.), I can easily access their content on their websites.

Hopefully this blog will help out some of you who are moving after college to a new job. If you are a huge cheapskate, you can watch most of the primetime content online. I was able to watch the whole season of Kitchen Nightmares at for free. I will also mention that I will probably get an antenna for my apartment to get news after I am done with work and school.

The Situationalist,