Tuesday, June 14, 2011

BREAKING NEWS: Wisconsin Senate Passes Concealed Carry Bill

This afternoon, the Republican led Wisconsin State Senate passed the contraversial concealed carry law that will allow Wisconsin Citizens the right to carry a weapon given they have the proper permit and training. Although some people are concerned about safety, there are certain events (such as Summerfest) that can prohibit concealed weapons as long as it meets the criteria stated in the bill.

When it comes to this bill, and other bills that relate to gun regulations, there are good arguments for and against. When I present workshops on civil discourse, I use this subject as a perfect example how legislation should be based on situational instances rather than having a blanket policy. There have been numerous stories on people being able to protect themselves because they had a weapon next to them. There are also numerous stories to connect crime in metro areas to gun violence. Tim Carpenter (D-Milwaukee 3rd) pointed out statistics that makes that connection.

On top of that, you have people who purchase weapons for hunting in the great Wisconsin woods. Although it would be hard for someone to conceal and carry a rifle, some of the hunting population will make sure their rights will not be taken away. If you look the other direction as far as leisure, should people be able to carry weapons while alcohol is present. The legislature needs to make sure they are consistant, considering the message of alcohol not mixing with driving. Concepts are similar aren't they?

If this bill does pass, Governor Scott Walker is expected to sign the bill as soon as it gets to his desk.

Blog/Article by The Situationalist - Michael Lampe

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