Wednesday, June 15, 2011

CANDIDATE SPOTLIGHT: Michele Bachmann Sees More Than Russia From Her Window

For those of you who remember the Tea Party Response of the State of the Union Address, most people met Michele Bachmann as a woman with guts but with a few loose screws. Along with that, she was caught up with making 'anti-American' comments while on Hardball with Chris Matthews.

Fast foward to the Presidential Debate Monday night, things are starting to turn around for the presidential hopeful. Although Ron Paul had the most gain from the debate, most people do not see him as becoming a candidate for the Republican Party. The next person that actually did not put themselves in an ackward position was Michele Bachmann.

One might have to ask how she was able to pull off becoming a possible front runner. Easy, you add Ed Rollins (well known political strategist) and straight confident talk of beating President Obama; you're in. Unlike Gingrich, it seems like she is following the directions of her advisors.

The next test for Bachmann will be coming soon. Although it may be too late for Palin to jump in due to Bachmann's success, Gov. Rick Perry (R-Texas) will be another potential savior for the conservative movement.  If either of these candidates continue to be straight and smart with the American People, you won't see Mitt Romney be the frontrunner for much longer.

Blog/Article by the Situationalist - Mike Lampe

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